2010 Picnic at John Oliver
2010 Picnic at John Oliver
Fun for the whole family
In addition to the evening John Oliver 1985 Reunion event at Woody's Pub in Coquitlam, we did a bit of a picnic thing with my little family on Saturday (October 16, 2010) afternoon at the JO field (43rd and Fraser) from 12-2 or so. We bought some junk food at a local fast-food place just like in high school and throw around some frisbees and baseballs.
There were a few photos taken - see the 2010 photos page.
I sent out an “evite” to every email address I could find, as well as Facebook messages to all of my JO1985 “friends” - if you did not get one, drop me an email message to John-Beda@johnoliver1985.ca and I will get the system to send you out one or I think you can just respond directly at the “evite” website.